
This site uses images and illustrations made available for free by the lovely people from Undraw, Unsplash and others.
The logos belong to the respective companies.
We will try to list everyone on this page, but if we missed anyone, please let us know and we’ll credit you.

A coffee roaster under a lamp

Photo by Yanapi Senaud

Photo by Delightin Dee

Photo by NordWood Themes

three types of shaved chocolate

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch

Expert coffee roaster, Claudio Iovine, at Café Kaawa

Photo by Tim Mossholder

Coffee wheel

The Coffee Taster's Flavor Wheel by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)

Sensory Lexicon

Sensory Lexicon by World Coffee Research

How to make the best coffee

How To Make The Best Coffee At Home by James Hoffmann

Image source: James Hoffmann

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